KNUST Student Credentials
Your credentials are made up of a USERNAME and PASSWORD.
- Kindly note that this is NOT the same as your KNUST Admissions Application Credentials.
- Note that you are NOT TO SHARE YOUR KNUST STUDENT CREDENTIALS WITH ANYONE. Failure to adhere to this will attract sanctions as prescribed by the KNUST ICT Policy.
What can you do with your KNUST Student Credentials?
Login to the Student Portal
Go to
Provide the following and sign in
Student ID or Reference Number(Refer to your admissions letter or Student ID Card)
You can perform the following functions on the students’ portal
Profile update
Course Registration
Print registration slip
Check results
Assess Lecturers
Bill and payment information
Transcript request, etc.
Login to the KNUST AIM App
Download the AIM App from the play store or app store
Install the app
Log in with your Username and Password. If your username is "jdoe1", you are required to enter "" or for Distance Learning students "", with your password to be able to login. Click here to watch how to login.
You can perform the following functions on the AIM app
Profile update
Course Registration
Print registration slip
Check results
Assess Lecturers
Bill and payment information
Transcript request, etc.
Login to Student Email Account
Go to
Enter your username and password
- login
NB. Assuming your USERNAME is jdoe1, your official email address will be That for Distance Learning students will be
Login to Student Payment Portal
Go to
Provide the following and login
Student ID or Reference Number (Refer to your admissions letter or Student ID Card)
Choose the fee payment item you wish to make payment for and proceed
Access On-campus Wi-Fi: How to connect
Go to your Wifi Settings and Click on the “KNUST WIFI” SSID.
A Page or notification should pop up requesting for your KNUST EMAIL ( for regular students and for IDL students) and password.
Click on the CONTINUE button and wait for about 5 - 30 seconds to be connected to the internet.
Note: You have a limited number of devices you can connect to with your account. Check the portal for the number of devices allocated to you:
Login to Virtual Classroom
Go to
Provide your username (without and password
Click Log in
Note: If you are not able to login, kindly reset your credentials here and try again. If you are still unsuccessful, visit and create a ticket Virtual Classroom or visit the UITS Support Centre at the Casely Hayford Block
Login to Electronic Library Resources
Go to
Provide your username(in this case the full email address i.e. and password
Click Log in
How to Retrieve/Reset Student Credentials
To retrieve or reset your KNUST credentials kindly follow the steps below
Go to Forgot Password
Provide your student ID or Reference Number (Refer to your admissions letter or Student ID Card)
Confirm a portion of your personal email address and continue.