UITS recommended checklist for freshers

Congratulations on your successful admission to KNUST. This checklist is to guide you in completing all essential tasks required of you as a fresher.
What you are expected to know:
- Reporting date for all Freshmen: Tuesday 14th January, 2025
- Online course registration date for Freshmen: Thursday 2nd January 2025 to Friday 31st January, 2025
- Biometric registration date for Freshmen: Tuesday 14th January, 2025 to Friday 31st January, 2025
Accommodation portal opening(new date): Thursday 9th January 2025 at 1PM***
What you are expected to do:
Activity |
Detail |
1.1 Accept your ADMISSION OFFER on the application system https://apps.knust.edu.gh/admissions/apply and wait for 30 minutes before proceeding to the next step. If you have already accepted the offer, go to the next step.1.2 Proceed to make payment for your KNUST ACADEMIC FEES using our electronic platforms OR at any of the accredited financial institutions nationwide:i. ELECTRONIC PLATFORMSa. Online Payment: Login to https://pay.knust.edu.gh/ with your KNUST STUDENT CREDENTIALS, which comprise a Username, Password and a Student ID(same as Application Number). This was sent to your primary telephone number(the number you indicated as yours during the application process) via text message. When making payment ONLINE, please remember to select the fee item ACADEMIC FEES. An electronic receipt will be generated for this transaction. This can be accessed on the FEES and PAYMENT section of the students portal, https://apps.knust.edu.gh/students.b. USSD Payment: Dial the shortcode *415*55# to access the service. You will be prompted to enter your Student ID(same as the application number) and requested to confirm your primary telephone number (the number you indicated as yours during the application process). Choose the option ACADEMIC FEES and follow the prompts. An electronic receipt will be generated for this transaction. This can be accessed on the FEES and PAYMENT section of the students portal, https://apps.knust.edu.gh/students.ii.BANK PAYMENT:Go to any branch of the accredited financial institutions nationwide with your provisional admission letter, complete the pay-in slip, clearly indicating KNUST ACADEMIC FEES and your correct APPLICATION NUMBER. Inform the teller you are paying KNUST ACADEMIC FEES. Pay the required amount of academic fees and keep the pay-in slip provided by the teller. The accredited financial institutions are:
NB:i. Offer of admission must FIRST be ACCEPTED by admitted applicantii. It is required that you settle ALL ACADEMIC FEES as a Freshman in order to qualify for accommodation reservationiii. You are not to provide any account number. Indicate to the bank staff that you are paying KNUST feesiv. International students in Ghana, can pay at Ecobank, GCB Bank or UBAv. International student outside Ghana can do bank transfers from their country of residencevi. This also applies to applicants who have gained admission at our Obuasi campus as well as Institute of Distance Learning(IDL)vii. IDL Students can get more information on https://idl.knust.edu.gh/viii. An admitted applicant's application number is the same as their Student Reference number.ix. If you cannot ACCEPT YOUR ADMISSION OFFER due to APPLICANT NAME MISMATCH, create a ticket here https://helpdesk.knust.edu.gh/open.php with the help topic ADMISSION NAME MISMATCH or send a WhatsApp message to the admissions office on 0240130946 |
2.1 Login to https://accommodation.knust.edu.gh/ with your admission application credentials (the application number and PIN).2.2 Select your preferred hall of residence2.3 Reserve a BED SPACE in the selected Hall of Residence and log out.2.4 Proceed to make payment for your KNUST RESIDENTIAL FEES either online OR at any of the accredited financial institutions nationwide, within the TIMEFRAME indicated on the reservation:i.ELECTRONIC PLATFORMSa. Online Payment: Login to https://pay.knust.edu.gh/ with your KNUST STUDENT CREDENTIALS, which comprise a Username, Password and a Student ID(same as Application Number). This was sent to your primary telephone number(the number you indicated as yours during the application process) via text message. When making payment ONLINE, please remember to select the fee item RESIDENTIAL FEES. An electronic receipt will be generated for this transaction. This can be accessed on the FEES and PAYMENT section of the students portal, https://apps.knust.edu.gh/students.b. USSD Payment: Dial the shortcode *415*55# to access the service. You will be prompted to enter your Student ID(same as the application number) and requested to confirm your primary telephone number (the number you indicated as yours during the application process). Choose the option RESIDENTIAL FEES and follow the prompts. An electronic receipt will be generated for this transaction. This can be accessed on the FEES and PAYMENT section of the students portal, https://apps.knust.edu.gh/students.ii. BANK PAYMENT Go to any branch of the accredited financial institutions nationwide with your provisional admission letter, complete the pay-in slip, clearly indicating KNUST RESIDENTIAL FEES and your correct APPLICATION NUMBER. Inform the teller you are paying KNUST RESIDENTIAL FEES. Pay the required amount of residential fees and keep the pay-in slip provided by the teller.2.5 After successful payment of the residential fees, log in to https://accommodation.knust.edu.gh/ with your admission application credentials and CHOOSE A ROOM based on your room reservation. After successfully choosing a room, you will be presented with a printout for your records.NB:i. Accommodation portal opens on Thursday 9th January, 2025 at 1pmii. Private hostels are available under the supervision of the University. To book, kindly login to https://accommodation.knust.edu.gh/iii. KNUST OBUASI STUDENTS
3.1 All freshmen are to report on TUESDAY 14TH JANUARY, 20253.2 Freshmen who successfully BOOKED A ROOM are to report at their respective halls of residence with all necessary documents:i. Provisional admission letterii. Completed and signed hall declaration forms with passport pictures affixediii. Original pay-in slipsiv. Passport pictures (at least four)3.3 Freshmen who booked private hostels online can report to the Directorate of Student Affairs(DOSA) for direction assistance.3.4 Freshmen who were not able to BOOK A ROOM online are to report to the Directorate of Student Affairs(DOSA) for assistance.3.5 At the various halls of residence , DOSA or the Casely Hayford building, admitted students are to visit the University Information Technology Services (UITS) stand for the following activities:i. Biometric registration: enrolment and verificationii. Issuance of KNUST Student Telecel SIM card3.6 Freshers will undergo registration formalities at their respective halls of residence after which room keys are issued out.NB.i. Freshmen are required to be PHYSICALLY PRESENT.ii. After you successfully check-in, DO NOT exit a hall of residence with the key to the room you belong. ALWAYS drop the key at the PORTER’S LODGE before exiting the hall.iii. Keep your KNUST Telecel SIM card safeiv. Every student is expected to undergo biometric registration as this indicates one's physical presence in School |
4.1 The course registration window for FRESHMEN opens from THURSDAY 2ND JANUARY 2025 to FRIDAY 31ST FEBRUARY, 20254.2 With your KNUST Student credentials, you can do your course registration on:i. Student portal web application: https://apps.knust.edu.gh/students ORii. KNUST AIM App:
4.3 After successful log in, click on the COURSE REGISTRATION card on the menu and follow the instructions.4.4 Keep the electronic copy of your course registration slip as evidence of successful registration. You can print our a hard copy if this is required by your department.NB.i. To know more about your KNUST Student Credentials, click here https://uits.knust.edu.gh/student-services/knust-student-credentialsii. If YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED your KNUST Student credentials, refer to section on How to Retrieve/Reset Student Credentials here https://uits.knust.edu.gh/student-services/knust-student-credentialsiii. Course registration can be done from any location.iv. DO NOT SHARE YOUR KNUST STUDENT CREDENTIAL WITH ANYONE |
5. Medical Examination |
5.1 Freshers' Medical Examination starts from MONDAY 23RD DECEMBER, 2024, 8AM - 5PM. The tests include the following:
5.2 Click the link and login with your students credentials to get started: https://sme.knust.edu.gh/5.3 Locate any of the examination centers below for the physical session
Google Maps Location of Halls of Residence
Name of Hall |
Map Location (Click Locate for direction) |
Republic Hall |
Unity Hall |
University Hall |
Independence Hall |
Africa Hall |
Elizabeth II Hall |
Wilkado |
Locate |
Directorate of Student Affairs |
Locate |
I paid online. Though I have been deducted, the system says I have not paid
- Create a ticket with help topic ONLINE PAYMENT ISSUE here https://helpdesk.knust.edu.gh/open.php
I have a course registration problem
- Create a ticket with help topic COURSE REGISTRATION ISSUE here https://helpdesk.knust.edu.gh/open.php
NB: For all other issues, create a ticket at https://helpdesk.knust.edu.gh/open.php